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The primary outcome of consortial subprojects will be peer-reviewed scientific publications. For each manuscript originating from a project, a writing team with up to 5 authors will be established. The members of the writing team will have the first, the second, the second last and the last author. Ad hoc options can be adopted for each specific manuscript (i.e. joint first or last authorships). All other coauthors, who are not identified as members of the writing team, will be listed in the middle of the author list, and their relative order will be assigned randomly.


The PANDoRA authorship policy takes into account the efforts made by each member group in recruiting and preparing biological material and clinical information for the cases and the controls. Authors of a given center will be represented only in manuscripts where the cases and or/controls collected in their center will be used in the analysis (i.e. genotyping, clinical evaluation). Authorship slots for each group will be calculated on the basis of the contribution in terms of cases and controls to the PANDoRA populations. A table of reference for determining authorships depending on the number of cases and controls is utilized to estimate authorships slots. The calculation will be as follows:

In papers considering more than one entity (e.g. PNET and PDAC), the number of authors for centers contributing cases of each entity will be the larger/largest, without a cumulative effect (e.g. a center providing 80 PNETs and 400 PDACs will have 3 authors).

The secretariat (composed by the Genomic Epidemiology Group of DKFZ, and Dr. Daniele Campa, University of Pisa) maintains the PANDoRA biological bank and database, and it will have up to three author slots.

In addition, groups that do a substantial amount of lab and/or data analyses for a specific subprojects, even if they do not contribute samples, will have also up to 4 author slots.


Usually the members of the writing team of a manuscript will be included in the number of author slots of each group, not on top of it.


Authorship of other forms of scientific reporting (e.g. book chapters, meeting presentations) in principle will follow the same rules, except when it is necessary to comply to specific rules of the meeting.


For scientific publications where PANDoRA will collaborate with other groups and consortia, authorship criteria will be negotiated ad hoc. In the past, when we collaborated with other consortia, we (the PANDoRA secretariat) negotiated to have one coauthor for each PANDoRA center contributing samples.

Last updated on 16 August 2017

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