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The PANcreatic Disease ReseArch (PANDoRA) consortium has been organized on the basis of criteria commonly used in other international cohorts and consortia. Research within PANDoRA is developed in an extremely collaborative, open minded and inclusive frame.

Each participating group/center that has contributed samples and data of cases nominates a principal investigator/reference person (P.I.), who becomes a member of the PANDoRA steering committee. This committee is in charge to organize the practical activities of the consortium through periodical conference calls and annual meetings. The steering committee is defined by at least one reference person for each group/center, and the secretariat. The consortium is open to further enlargement and in particular, all new groups/collaborators will be represented by one reference person of their choice in the steering committee and will actively take part to the decision-making and the organization of the consortium.

All groups that contribute only samples and data of controls but not cases will not be represented in the steering committee, but will be actively involved in all discussions related to the consortium and to specific subprojects.

In case of necessity of a formal vote, only members of the steering committee will be entitled to vote (i.e. one vote per group). The secretariat will also have one vote. However, it is expected that normally discussion will involve a much wider group than just the steering committee, including all researchers from all involved groups, and that decisions will be taken collegially.

Membership in the PANDoRA consortium is subject to the acceptance of the consortium rules and to the contribution with a minimum number of study subjects, with both biological samples and covariate information (e.g. 100 PDAC cases, or 100 healthy controls, or 10 PNET cases, or 15 IPMN cases).


Groups interested in participation in the consortium are encouraged to contact the PANDoRA secretariat.

Last updated on 16 August 2017

Find here a list of past and planned PANDoRA meetings.


Check here the rules about authorship of PANDoRA publications.

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